The Early Days Postpartum
Mom On The Run's plan for guiding your pelvic floor, core... and entire body through those first few months postpartum - helping you confidently get back to the activities you enjoy!
A straightforward guide to your early days postpartum, covering everything from self-screens and exercises for pelvic floor health, breathing, posture, your core and more!
Are you a new mom, wanting to get back to physical activity ASAP? You’re in the right place! The Early Days Postpartum is for you!
Are you worried you may develop an injury, or are you nervous to begin an activity because something doesn't feel quite right? Alternatively, are you ready to begin doing ALL the things you did prior to pregnancy, and you’re wanting to begin NOW?
This guide can help you determine when it’s appropriate for your body to get back to (or maybe begin for the first time) physical activity, and also help you identify situations that indicate you should see a health care provider for an evaluation before you begin.
A look inside the guide:
The Early Days Postpartum is purchased as a PDF instant download (it is printer friendly, if that’s more your style).
General Postpartum Considerations for Returning to Physical Activity.
Includes information on red and yellow flags, RED-S, sleep needs, sports bras, and breastfeeding.
Postpartum Movement Pattern Considerations.
Self-screens and exercise for your core, posture, breathing, pelvic floor, and feet (yes, your feet!).
Run and Activity Readiness Screens.
Pelvic health, strength and impact readiness self-screens.
Worksheets for finding your ‘why’ and your ‘how,’ to help make your early days postpartum self-care a habit. :)
Whether you are someone who enjoyed running and physical activity prior to or during your pregnancy, or you are giving it a try for the first time, there are things to consider before you begin. Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy and delivery, whether you experienced a vaginal delivery or C-section. These changes need to be addressed postpartum to ensure that appropriate function is restored throughout the pelvic floor and core. Playing soccer, lifting and carrying toddlers and babies (not to mention when they're in their car seats!), running, rock climbing, landscaping... these (and so many more things!) are all physical activities postpartum individuals engage in, and the goal of The Early Days Postpartum is to help you have the knowledge and confidence to begin doing these activities safely after pregnancy. Whether you had your baby 1 day ago, 6 weeks ago, or 5 years ago, there are many things you can do to help make your running journey an enjoyable and satisfying one. The Early Days Postpartum is here to help. :)